Dealing with Your Ex During the Holidays


family at christmas time
Focus on the children during the holidays

The holidays are a stressful time for most people. All the activity, decorating, parties, shopping, etc. can wear anybody down. The holidays can be even more stressful if you are divorced with children. So how do you make sure your children are happy when you might have to have contact with your ex-spouse? What is the best approach so there are no hassles and your children have happy memories? Here are a few articles with tips and techniques to follow:

Dealing with Your Ex on Special Occasions

“Getting along with your former spouse or partner may seem impossible at times. But if you have kids, there are going to be special days where you will have to be together. Birthdays, holidays, graduations, weddings, and other occasions will be better for everyone if the two of you agree to get along.”

Managing Divorce and Children During the Holidays

“Divorced with children? Well, then you’ll never be completely divorced. You and your ex are connected through your children, and you will be throughout life. How? Coordinating schedules. Discipline. Their sicknesses. Figuring out how to deal with each other, or not, at school and extracurricularactivities.”

Navigating the Holidays With Kids and an Ex

“Holidays are by their nature, challenging for divorced and separated parents. The family-focused activities present dilemmas: Which parent will host which activity; which parent will chaperone which event; which parent will have Santa visit? This month can end up feeling anything but festive.”

Sharing Your Kids With Your Ex During the Holidays

“Divorce, it’s not a topic we usually think of when we’re considering holiday plans, but for children whose parents live separately, holidays can be both wonderful and complicated.”

The general rule for the holidays is to put your feelings aside and focus on the kids. If there is one thing both parents should agree on it is that creating happy holiday memories for your children are a top priority.

If you would like help dealing with your ex, contact Hidden Stream Counseling at 919-307-3805.

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